

Surrender to Your Truth is a journey to explore the depths of your soul; to open up to a delicious life of sacred self-love, pleasure and happiness that you may never have experienced before. 

Taking the first step into your soul can be scary.

What would life would look like if you acknowledged your truth and felt everything your body is yearning to express?

Kerry’s powerful teachings and embodiment practices will guide you to:

💗  Find more time to listen to the mind and transform your energy, thoughts and beliefs to those that support you.

💗 Identify the parts of yourself you dislike or ignore and learn how to embody them with love and compassion so they become part of your expansion.

💗 Awaken your sexual power to feel more pleasure in your relationships, your business and most importantly; in yourself.  

Kerry’s powerful journey to heal herself from deep rooted trauma, explore the depths of her sexuality, and finding deep love for herself will inspire you to connect to everything that is alive in you.

Are you ready to stop playing small, to stand in your power and be unapologetically you?


These are powerful initiations to connect to your aliveness, so you can deepen the relationship with yourself and have a taster of how it feels to be truly embodied.

Hello Sexual Energy

Sexual Energy is so misunderstood. Many of us believe it's about the physical act of sex, and yes, that's one way you can access it.

But there is another way... and it starts with the sacred connection to yourself. The first step to start the conversation, listen and acknowledge that this POWER is deep within you.

It's waiting for your invitation to be ignited - are you ready to connect to your POWER?


The Rage Ritual

Darling, RAGE is not bad- it's a low-vibration heavy emotion that is so suppressed and every time it's not felt, it builds up in your body until it reaches capacity and then it explodes or can leave you feeling overwhelmed.

Are you ready for me to take you on an experience to access emotions that are waiting for permission to be felt in their fullness, to not be edited or held back but to move through your body with movement and sound because you are READY to embody it?


10 Powerful Practices 
to get out of your head and start walking your talk 


Chakra Meditation
A beautiful meditation to connect to your powerful energy centres and embody what's alive in you


Powerful Practices To Enhance Intimacy In Your Relationship

My favourite practices for you and your partner to enjoy together


My Blog - My journey


In The Media

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