
Client Testimonials

Despite the perceived impact of saying that working with Kerry has changed my life, it is actually an understatement.  Working with Kerry has changed my entire being, my outlook, my attitude, the impact of the past, my vision for the future - everything.


A friend recommended Kerry to me as I had been suffering from anxiety and depression on and off for a number of years.  It seemed to be getting more severe and during two particularly bad episodes, I was admitted to a psychiatric hospital.  I was so worried that this would be my pattern for the future and that feeling suicidal would just become part of my being. 

 I had a psychiatrist and a very good psychologist and even though I found this beneficial to unpack what was going on, it didn’t solve the repeated depressive episodes that were always lurking round the corner, or the constantly busy mind, paranoia, low self esteem, negative thinking and self doubt.  

Kerry’s approach was totally different to anything I had seen before, and in all honesty anything I would have been open to trying, but I decided I had nothing to lose and that anything was worth a go to improve my mental health.


I literally cannot express how glad I am that I took that step.  I have worked with Kerry for just over five months and my whole word is entirely different. I can’t even explain what we do in our sessions, or what Kerry does. It has required an open mind and pushing me out of my ‘comfort zone’ in a big way but worth absolutely every single second. 

 My mind is calm all the time, I approach things that come up with a rational mind, I feel SO much more confident, full of joy, excited for every day, and the future.  I now know how to feel and what I am feeling, and moreover love the fact that I have these emotions.

 I have processed some traumatic events from the past and feel totally at peace with them now so they don’t affect my daily life anymore and influence me to make bad decisions.  I receive so much more love from people as I can now accept I am worthy of it, and am totally comfortable in giving it.  I feel 100% lighter, happier, capable, strong….the list goes on.  And, those around me have noticed a marked change too.


So, if you want to find your sparkle and then some…give Kerry a chance to change your world and bring back the colour, and even make it technicolour!

Zofia, UK

I had an in-person Goddess Awakening Experience with Kerry the other day. 

I felt so held in the space she created, feeling all of me was welcome. I’ve expressed, and released rage on a whole new level. She held the space so well. I’ve let love into the parts of me I would normally protect from anything external. 

We then did inner child healing around the topic I brought into the session and cut cords. I felt freedom and clarity come in. 

I released tension around my heart area during the breast de-armouring.  I left the session feeling it’s safe to receive love, I can love freely and I have grounding deep so that I can fly high. 

Two days after the session, I had an opportunity to apply some of the insights that came up in the session. I was calm and grounded in a situation that would normally trigger me. It was beautiful proof that the healing work was done and now it’s up to me to keep on showing up in my truth. 

If you’re even considering working with Kerry, I’d say go for it! She legit can hold everything, nothing is too much. She has the skills to support you and is a great channel to pass on the intuitive wisdom that comes through her. 

From shamanic to tantric, she has the whole spectrum to bring more of you alive. Thank you Kerry! I’m forever grateful 🧡

Isik, UK

It’s hard to put in to words what this course and the massage have done for me. But I will try my best to describe…

This is the first time in my life I feel I was invited out from my hiding/coping/surviving place to be cherished, witnessed, felt, heard and have a safe enough space to surrender to my true self, more importantly I got to celebrate that fact with no insecurities or fear. 

I can’t believe in such a short space of time how empowered and whole I’m feeling. Another level I’ve never felt within myself before. It’s incredibly homely and peaceful, at the same time I feel such strength in who I am and what I want.

Also, Kerry as a coach/mentor/friend is a phenomenal energy to be around. She’s your best friend, your mum, your sister, teacher, sincerely routing for you. The effort she puts in to her work is next to none. It’s not about a quick buck, here’s something to do in your time and I’ll see you again sometime, it’s honest real care and an energy investment in you who stands in from of her, all of you and all of you is welcome.

If you’re on the fence, I can understand, your own fear of the unknown and perhaps other peoples opinions can leave you confused. I would urge you to take sometime with yourself and truly ask you, what is it you want? This has caught your attention in the first place and that is for good reason, believe me, your soul is talking to you.

Thank you so much Kerry, you have helped me no end. I already feel unstoppable and I’m excited for the future road ahead.

Alexandra, UK

When I began working with Kerry, I was disconnected from myself, seeking external validation, and didn't have a true sense of who I was. I was staying small... not standing in my true power and not embracing my authentic self. I was living in shame and guilt and keeping myself in a tiny little box.

Our very first session changed everything, and the following sessions enhanced me even further. I grew in leaps and bounds... having deep realizations, truly discovering who I am, and fully embracing myself and the unique being that I am. 

At first, I was completely detached from my yoni... only getting pleasure from sexual activities with others. I didn't even know how to connect to myself in that sense. Now, I know how to feel into what my body is telling me... what it wants and needs, and can give that to myself, no longer feeling like I need someone else to complete me.

Feeling into myself and listening to what it's telling me has freed me... broken open the box I'd kept myself in, acting out of a place of empowerment and strength, doing what feels right for me and owning it.

I can't express the freedom and joy I feel, knowing I am enough and that I am whole... standing fully in my power and having the confidence to just be me.

So many layers have been peeled back, so many doors have opened, and there is nothing greater than feeling authentically myself... no longer acting to please others, but to please myself... following the calling of my heart and trusting where it guides me.

I'm not done with the work yet... and I'm so excited to see what more I will experience... how much more I will grow.

The experience of working with Kerry and her magic does come with a price tag... it's simply invaluable. I encourage anyone to experience this or themselves, even if it's only one session... you will not be disappointed and will be amazed at how much only one session will achieve. So go ahead and take the leap... you will not regret it!

I can't thank Kerry enough for all she's guided me through and the progress I've made. 43 years of living in a box was far too long... and I'm so grateful for all that I'm now able to experience with the freedom and awareness I now have.

Love to you all! ❤️ 

Erin, Canada

My Tantric massage experience with Kerry was a powerful treatment of Love and Service.

As part of my commitment and desire for a greater connection with myself, this has been a life-changing and affirming experience.

The online embodiment session helped me clear issues I thought I’d already dealt with but which were still stuck in my body. 

The massage is completely about you. Kerry’s skill, touch and knowing is the conduit by which you come back to connection with your body’s needs and desires, not anyone else’s YOURS!!!! It’s a magical experience. 

For me there was lots of sounding and body shaking as unnecessary energies that I’d held onto for soooo long were released and let go. 

Everyone will have their own unique experience but for me, this was greater than any other massage could be - my buttocks have never felt so loved, my breasts no longer held any tension and the Yoni massage was so gentle and beautiful that afterward, I felt more spacious throughout my whole body and certainly in my vagina which I now love and enjoy as it deserves to be loved. 

I’m now using the Energy Alignment Method whenever I find myself unsure and caught up in my thoughts in both sexual and daily life situations. I’ve discovered my body is far more adventurous and willing than my head so I’m taking my body’s lead and allowing myself to give love to those parts of me that are still feeling unloved or unworthy - I am the Love of my Life and deserve all the consideration and kindness that I so easily offer to others. 

Thank you Kerry for all that you are and all that you offer to others in service of finding themselves. 

Tracey, UK

Lindsay  was gripped in fear and was hiding her true self  but although scared, knew  it was the right time to surrender and trust and say YES to herself. 

She now feels awakened and connected to every part of herself and is excited for what's next

I came across Kerry last year, at an EAM on-line event .. full of life, she had us up moving, breathing and dancing to Alicia Keys .. I’ll never forget that moment .. I felt my heart expand and knew our paths were meant to cross .. I was meant to be on this pathway, to connect in some way.

It’s taken a year 😀 .. I said NO to joining the Goddess Awakening journey back then .. gripped with fear and not in a great place .. I backed away & hid ..

This time, there was a huge energetic push to say yes to myself ..it was such a strong feeling, too surrender and trust fully .. I was so scared but I did say Yes to myself and OMG .. it’s been phenomenal.. 🙌💚

It has been the most incredible journey, through the laughter, tears, resistance and snot .. I’ve learnt to listen.. check in with myself and use practises to transform my energy .. I recognised how many masks I wear and how I hide in the shadows .. not fully embracing my life .. stories of my past weighing me down until I couldn’t really see the real me anymore .. just the mirage .. my sexual power had always frightened me .. I’d numbed this part of me .. too frightened to roar in my true power .. with Kerry by my side and all the other Goddesses 🙏..  the journey has awakened me fully, ready to connect to every part of me without shame and guilt .. it’s ok to shine bright and be ME .. I’m sooo excited for the future and want anyone who feels lost, disconnected and scared .. lean in and trust .. you won’t regret it ..

Thank you Kerry .. 💙💚 for everything 💕

Teresa was on the road to burnout by constantly being busy for everyone else and supressing her emotions.  

She now honour's herself, her truth and what she needs and has stepped into her feminine power 

Just finished The Goddess Awakening Journey and all I can say is WOW 😍 what a Journey! Saying yes to myself was without a doubt one of the best decisions I have ever made.

I've been delving into energy work for a few years now and although I've come a long long way, I still felt a disconnect within me, something was missing and I couldn't quite find the missing piece to the puzzle and connect the dots. Working with Kerry has made me realise I was spending most of the time in my head, barely present in my body at all. I was repressing my emotions by keeping myself busy and prioritising everyone and everything before me. I struggled with saying no and honouring myself, I was on the road to burn out.

At first I really struggled with some of the exercises as dropping down into my body and being fully present was something completely alien to me. I had so much resistance and tried to run on many occasions (something I do when the going gets tough!) But Kerry held me accountable and I showed up for myself. With the support and encouragement from Kerry and the other amazing Goddesses I have had so many transformations. I've learnt so much about who I am, what I want and need, the importance of self care, self love and honouring myself and my truth, stepping into my feminine energy and my power, the list goes on. I have finally connected to me, the real me and the Goddess within 🥰

This amazing magical journey has taught me so much and given me tools I will use for the rest of my life, my relationships and life as a whole have improved, most importantly my relationship with myself. I feel empowered and much more comfortable in my own skin. I still have work to do but I truly feel like I have got this now.

I would highly recommend this journey to anyone. There will be snot, tears and tantrums but also fun, laughter and most importantly a loving, safe and supportive environment to uncover and connect with the real you ❤

 Vanessa had spent years feeling trapped in her body and unable to release trauma she'd experienced over 25 years ago.

For the first time in her life, she feels at peace in her body and like a complete woman as the vaginismus is resolving and Changes she thought were impossible to

 achieve have been manifested.  She finally has the longed for blank canvas to build the life she always wished for

The Goddess Awakening Programme is life changing.

I was six weeks into another 12 week energy programme when intuitively I felt I needed to explore Tantra as the next step in my healing journey. After a Google search I discovered Kerry's website. We had a call on the Monday and the Goddess Awakening Programme started the following Monday. As the saying goes when the student is ready the teacher will appear.

From the ages 12 to 14 I had been sexually assaulted on a daily basis by a gang of boys at school. Subsequently I had been suffering with vaginismus which at the age of 41 I had been unable to resolve. I felt like damaged goods.

What soon became apparent to me on the programme was I had no idea what pleasure and bliss meant to me; not just sexually but in all aspects of my life. It was a hard journey to acknowledge that in a way all I knew was how to abuse myself.

Kerry was amazing in her ability to challenge when necessary but also to provide a nurturing and stabilising container.

In my daily life my experiences in the work place were continuing to mirror my experiences at school; showing up day after day to pure misery. Through the programme I was finally able to step out of this cycle, give myself permission to stop, to say no more.

Those around me who know me well have said my whole demeanour has changed. The embodiment work has given me such a strong sense of release and relief.

For years I felt an overwhelming need for an ending which I could never really articulate. To let go of everything physically, mentally and emotionally to bring about the release of feelings trapped in my body.

For the first time in my life I feel at peace in my body and I feel like a complete woman as the vaginismus is resolving.

In 12 weeks the Goddess Awakening Programme has impacted every aspect of my life. Changes I began to think were impossible to achieve have been manifested. I finally have my longed for blank canvas to build the life I wish for myself.

These words don't feel like they do justice but thank you, thank you, thank you.

Vicki was scared to take the steps towards changing her life and had stories she had held on too her entire life

She now embraces her sensuality and sexual energy and see's the beauty in her own body and feels like a true Goddess who truly owns her power!

The first time I saw/met Kerry was at an online EAM event last year … I knew she was the person who could help me change my life. I however, still firmly attached to old patterns, said no many times to actually taking the steps towards that aim! Well I eventually said YES & oh my goodness I am so glad I did (& can’t quite believe now that I resisted it for so long!!)

The Goddess Awakening really has changed my life. I went into the course weighed down by the story I’d been clinging onto for so many years … the story that kept me chained to my past, not ever really believing that I could really move on from it. Well how wrong was I?!

Kerry lovingly guided me towards my own redemption, holding me accountable the whole time. I did & am still doing the work. I was scared, scared to really feel sexual, to fully acknowledge that I was a sexual being. I was cut off from my Yoni, was unable to allow myself to truly connect to this part of myself, to be vulnerable & truly experience pleasure with/from myself or another person. I am ecstatic to say that now I can & do connect to myself this way.

With Kerry’s love & guidance & in such a safe environment I was able to overcome this fear & can now say hand on pussy that my sexual self is here, & here to stay!!

The Goddess Awakening does just what it promises, awakens you to a new way of doing, being, thinking. Connecting into your whole body through movement & breathing, a new way to release all that’s holding you back.

You will wobble but carry on it’s so worth it. I am a changed woman, I am a Goddess & I own my power now!

Aine had spent most of her life in survival mode

After the 12 weeks, she felt "Alive" and awakened part of herself that she didn't even realise was there

Kerry's Goddess Awakening Journey is just that....an Awakening to a part of YOU deep within that you didn't even realise was there......

Its beautiful, Supportive and truly Authenitc.  The Embodiment work and Activations are inspiring and when you fully open to the process, allows you to connect to the TRUE INNER YOU!  

Its an exciting and a beautiful unfolding - Say YES to YOU, Say YES to the Power within YOU, Say YES to the Greatness within YOU - Allow Yourself to Live

 - the one word i had at the end of the 12weeks was "Alive"  and having spent most of my life in Survival mode, this really was an AMazing Outcome   

So much Love and Gratitude xxxxxxxxx    ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ 

Carli was so frightened to take the step because she knew she had some deeply held beliefs to meet
She has now learnt how to feel and truly love to embrace all she is and is becoming

Kerry is an incredibly inspiring, beautiful soul on this planet. Her Goddess Awakening journey is life changing in the best possible way, and I feel this is only the beginning for anyone that embarks on this journey. It is empowering, unravelling, unlearning what no longer serves you, so that you can rebuild, relearn and reconnect with your true feminine nature and use this to create a life you love, enriched with pleasure, joy and sensuality.

This felt like a frightening step to take to begin with because I knew this journey would challenged deeply held beliefs, habits and behaviours that were not supporting me! I felt restrained by time at first, yet, every time I consciously made the time, my mind body and soul breathed an enormous sigh of relief and gratitude and I expanded and opened a little more. Feeling freer and enjoying more of my day and my life. I realised time was a convenient avoidance tactic and now I make the time EVERY DAY, even if just a small amount, to connect with my body, my heart, my soul.

Since starting this journey, I can see how the more I pause and feel into my body, instead of listening to the mindless head chatter, the clearer my inner knowing is.

 The Goddess Awakening has taught me to FEEL yes and no answers in my body, instead of getting lost thinking about them in my head. I'm learning to tell the difference between 'head stuff', what’s true and what I really want. I'm learning to feel pleasure and sensuality again. I am learning to truly love and embrace all that I am, have been and all that I am becoming. 

This journey is truly a gift. Never have I felt so held, safe, witnessed,  honoured, guided and held accountable, as I have on this journey, with Kerry sharing her incredible experience, wisdom and knowledge, from her epic heart, and also by the other beautiful women in the group

Lisa used to put everybody else's needs before her own. 

After taking the leap and investing in herself,  she's now embodying the powerful embodied woman she has become

I first met Kerry on a weekend EAM course which was all new to me, I didn’t really understand much about energy alignment or Tantra. 

However as soon as I saw Kerry doing her magic, I was completely blown away by her and how my whole being responded to her work. The aliveness in my body and what I was experiencing I knew from that very moment she had something very special, and I wanted to work with her, the love, power and natural gift she as at making you feel loved safe and alive goes beyond words. 

Of course, I started to hesitate am I worthy do I deserve investing in myself feeling a sense of guilt to do that. 

Everyone and everything were more important, as I had always put everyone else’s needs first just like most, I guess. 

My poor inner child hadn’t received any love and had been suppressed feeling lonely and unloved. 

I made every excuse and just couldn’t justify spending the time and money on myself, if it had been for someone else in my family, I would have been the first to YES do it. 

Wow how wrong was after taking the leap and finally deciding to invest in myself it wasn’t just investing in me it was investing in every one of my family members too,  they felt this new aliveness embodied and powerful positive love inside of me which in turn had an impact on them. 

How much I regret not saying yes before and taking so long to decide. 

I did feel nervous at the start because I didn’t have much self-confidence. Kerry and the other beautiful goddesses soon changed that. 

It’s a beautiful safe space and everyone supports loves and holds one another. 

We journey together like true sister hood you feel it’s safe to be vulnerable and speak your own truth taking down the mask.

It’s just so beautiful there’s tears laughs and lots of love.

On our first call I cried and cried I hadn’t been able to cry for a long time even though many times I’d wanted to.

I now know it was my inner child saying thank you to me for eventually showing her the love she truly deserves. 

This was just the beginning of a life changing journey. 

I would feel so excited from one week to the next to learn more. 

The embodiment sessions are something else. So deeply powerful actually breath-taking, Kerry teaches you life changing tools that I will be living by and using for the rest of my life. 

I will be eternally grateful to Kerry she’s completely transformed my life and taught me so much. 

She’s Honestly one special soul queen goddess my deep love and admiration for her and her teachings is unimaginable.

From one goddess to another sending love and if you are considering doing the goddess awakening just say YES because you won’t regret it. 

Yvonne knew there was something holding her back from loving herself more,  it was all within her and she was hiding that part of herself
She has now found found deeper healing and connection with herself putting self-care and self-love as her top priority

I am so grateful to have had Kerry hold such a beautiful space for me on the Goddess Awakening Journey. What a powerful 12 weeks that was. Her methods provided for deep healing, deep connection with myself and nurturing transformation.

The biggest transformation occurred during her embodiment sessions and tantric breathing exercises.  These sessions were amazing, being held in such a safe, warm, nurturing and in a connected sisterhood space. I now listen and connect to my body so much more, creating healthy boundaries for myself and putting my self-care and self-love as my top priority. 

During the journey there were a number of inner shadows and triggers that came up. Kerry was always there to support, provide advice, direction, helping me transform and heal, returning myself back to a place of love. 

Speaking of being in a place of love, because I loved the Goddess Awakening journey so much I have decided to continue my journey with Kerry, this time for the “Deepening Intimacy” journey with my Husband. Let the connections, love, fun and laughter continue! 

Sarah had been supporting others in the work that she does, but had lost connection with herself. 

She now feels deeply embodied and connected to her true self. 

I have been on my own spiritual and personal development journey for over 25 years and supporting others professionally worldwide for over a decade in recognising themselves as spiritual beings and creating deep transformations. 

A few years ago I became very interested in tantra and falling in love with myself after I split from my ex and became a single mother. 

I first met Kerry at eam events a few years ago when I was on their 10 month journey and loved her bubbly, friendly nature then. 

On seeing her free masterclass, I joined as I’m always open to learning and growing plus loved the tantra aspect however I was amazed to recognised I didn’t actually listen to my body! I knew I was joining Kerry on her 12 week program after that first free masterclass and signed up immediately! 

I felt a deep connection to Kerry on a soul level however as it came closer to starting the course, I became a little resistant!

I absolutely love Kerry’s gorgeous authentic energy and how she holds space for people. As someone who helps and heals others, I find it incredibly hard to be vulnerable myself. On this course I was able to open up and admit that. I loved how Kerry could call me out on my shit where others have missed that before! I loved the embodiment sessions and the Q&A calls each week. These were deep and powerful. It was so lovely connecting with the other goddesses and deepening the connection with myself. Kerry is so down to earth and lovely yet powerful in how she empowers you. I must admit, if this has been another online course I would if dropped off as I had huge resistance come up during it but having my 121 with Kerry was a huge game changer for me! It was the first time I truly felt and embodied what was deep inside of me.

I have come away with new ways of connecting with myself plus helping others in the work I do in the world.

I also had the pleasure of a tantric massage with Kerry. This was profound... It was nourishing, gentle and exquisite. It allowed me to go deep into receiving pleasure and be totally vulnerable. I highly recommend the Goddess Awakening, the tantric massage and Kerry. 

Thank you gorgeous for being you and all you are 💖

Shelley had so much resistance to joining the programme and although was in a good place realised she was holding on to so many past limitations and patterns 

During the journey, Shelley connected to a deep peacefulness and contentment within herself

I have worked with energy and EAM for several years now and actually felt like I was in a relatively good place prior to commencing the programme.

I first met Kerry on an on line expand your love EAM weekend with Yvette Taylor. I was enchanted and captured with Kerry's energy and the session she did. It really resonated with me and so I booked a 121 session with her.

The impact of the 121 made me want more, I realised this was what I had truly been looking for to release me from my past limitations, repeat patterns of behaviour and truly connect with my sexual energy, this was something which I felt had been a little absent for a few years and had attributed this to where I was in my life.

I'm not going to lie, I had a fair bit of resistance to signing up for the course, I had been doing a lot of work around financial abundance and clearing previous spending. Paying for a course seemed counterproductive to what I was working towards.  

How wrong I was.

Whilst I thought I already had self care/ self love practices in place to nurture myself, I quickly realised that this could be on a much deeper level and I could connect to my body and manifest like never before.

I shifted issues from past relationships, became more attuned and able to listen to my body, what she needs and wants and further develop my intuitive self.

I journeyed through the embodiment work and felt the shifts, some having a greater impact and more powerful than others but leading me to a place of a more empowered and sure self, sometimes feeling a deep peacefulness and contentment and at other times, I can take on the world and win attitude with an abundance of vitality and energy

I loved meeting the other Goddesses and journeying with them. It was amazing to see the synchronicity between us and how much we complimented and reflected each others moods and feelings.

This journey is obviously different for each individual but what I know for sure is that you will feel loved, supported and held by Kerry and the other Goddesses in a safe place to release emotions

To anyone considering signing up ... DO IT! you wont regret this.

Nicola and I met through Fate and it was so meant to be, she had been sitting comfortably for years and was ready to step up and lean into the uncomfortable

Nicola's journey connected her to her true authentic self and has transformed her life, she now has more confidence and faith in herself to embark on the next chapter of her life

Sage was at a turning point in her life and wanted to connect more deeply to herself and connect to more vibrancy in her life 
She now embraces her feelings more and truly embodies them to deepen the connection to herself

Kerry has a fantastic vibrant energy that is hugely infectious, she's an authentic gorgeous soul who definitely walks her talk and has found her true passion. 

The Goddess Awakening 12-week programme was a Delightful Adventure & I would do it over again, I definitely recommend it! The biggest learning, I got from the course is to really notice, acknowledge, embody and allow emotions to move as they arise.

Kerry is inclusive, inspiring and 100% supportive throughout. The effects ripple out way after the course, another plus is that you can revisit the course work any time if you need a top up or reminder. 

Claire thought The Goddess Awakening was hugely empowering and the embodiment practices shifted everything up a gear

The goddess awakening came at just the right time in my journey. I’ve done so much personal change work, mostly with NLP and hypnotic language, which has created some profound shifts. Yet there was this missing piece: the connection to my powerful sexual energy, that I’d ignored for too long. You’ve given such a beautiful container to do that work, and have so much knowledge and experience. I just can’t thank you enough for the Goddess Awakening, it’s such an intense and healing journey.
Claire x

Penny felt numb and spent so much time wondering what others thought and looked to them for validation
She has now found her inner goddess "the only person’s opinion that matters and whose feelings I listen to are my own! I love me! "

Wow, just wow! I am so grateful to Kerry for the past 12 weeks and I am grateful to myself that I loved myself enough and wanted to improve myself enough to sign up for this life changing course.  I am full of gratitude.  I have thoroughly loved every minute, even those when Kerry has given me a loving kick up the arse!  

My biggest success story from the past 12 weeks is how I no longer feel the need to look outside of myself to have opinions, belief, love and feelings.  Prior to this course, I spent so much time worrying about what others thought and (without realising) I allowed myself to be numb to what I wanted, needed or indeed felt.  Not now - now I have found my inner goddess and I know that the only person’s opinion that matters and whose feelings I listen to – are my own!  I love me! Genuinely, I am so much better at listening to myself and recognising what I need after this course, because I know now that I deserve love and that starts with loving me!

Kerry has strengthened my understanding and use of EAM, but alongside this, I am now using more tantra embodiment exercises to really feel into my body to see what lessons and messages I need to hear and know.  I am standing in my power more and creating more healthy boundaries which are in my greatest interest, I am listening to my inner goddess – and she certainly knows what is best for me!

The ’body’ work weeks were challenging and there was more resistance with some than others!  However, Kerry was always there for support and guidance and I have come out of it loving my body – every single part of it!  I have new practises for self-pleasure, in every meaning of the pleasure word and I am beginning to develop an understanding on what actually feels pleasurable for me.  It’s great, I am learning to love myself at a deeper level and all thanks to Kerry and the practises she shared with us and taught us.  But also, I again thank myself for taking responsibility to practise what Kerry had taught and to address things as they came up.  You do have to put the work in and it is worth every minute!

My inner shadow self was the biggest challenge for me and I spent a lot of time learning to love those parts of me that aren’t easy to love.  It was funny how the universe kept bringing people and situations into my life in line with what we were working on in the group, emphasising my shadow.  It enabled me to see when I had worked and released, and when I needed more work!  My shadow self is still an aspect of me I need to work on daily, but I have learnt to love what I am being shown and to ask my body what the lesson is I need to learn.  

It is an ongoing process to be a total goddess and to stay in your power, but I know I have the skills to do this and do it with pride, thanks to the past empowering 12 weeks!  I must also add what amazing friendships I made on the course and how lucky I feel to have worked with Kerry and the other Goddesses – I feel blessed and glowing!

Leanne's describes her experience of The Goddess Awakening Programme as ' life changing.'

Leanne joined the programme because of challenges in her relationship and felt like they were going around in circles and hoped by doing the work on herself, it would have a positive impact on her relationship

Leanne has learnt so much about herself, releasing past trauma and connecting more deeply to her mind and body, finding parts of herself that she had lost. 

The relationship with her husband has been transformed, she now knows what her heart desires and how to communicate that from a place of authenticity.

Such a magical journey and shows the impact of doing the work on YOU

Louise thought it was too late in her life for her to transform and now she has become the person that she never thought she would become 

and her journey to awaken has been phenomenal x 

Ceza never focussed on her self care and realised how much she was neglecting herself

Ceza is now more confident, has more balance in her life and has tuned in to what she really wants 

I completed the Goddess Awakening Journey. My main reason for doing the journey was to focus on my self-care. And it was great to identify what I was neglecting in myself (not necessarily on purpose but things I wasn't aware of).

It allowed me to tune into what I really wanted from life, who I really am and be able to step into being that person, without worrying about what others thought.

It also allowed me to bring balance into my life, identify resistances I didn't realise were there as they never came up as an issue but really amazing to identify and clear, and it also has allowed me to be stronger in my relationship with my boyfriend.

For anyone who is worried about doing the journey, don't be. It is gentle, you have the support of Kerry and the group, and you discover so much about yourself, which allows you to be more confident and in your power.

If you are thinking about doing the course, but are a bit scared of it, then just GO FOR IT! You won't regret it.

Shelley felt like she had created a shadow around herself 

She has now found clarity for her future and has the practical tools she can use everyday to manifest the live she desires

I want to write my recommendation of Kerry's Goddess Awakening Journey. I finished my 12 weeks in September and it's really enabled me to step out of the shadow I'd created around myself. 

I've gained practical tools that I can use every day to check in with myself and get rid of unhelpful feelings and the way these manifest physically and mentally. 

I've also gained clarity about what I want out of my future, and I honestly think I wouldn't have made the time and space to do this if I hadn't joined the course. 

There's a lot to get through and a healthy level of challenge which I needed; all within a lovely supportive community held together beautifully by Kerry. I could've easily spent the money on material possessions but I've invested it in me and it's the best gift I could've given myself! 

If you're wondering whether to join the next course and whether it's any good, I don't hesitate to say: GO FOR IT.

Emma struggled with being vulnerable and being her true authentic self across all areas of her life.

She has now stepped into her power and found a new love and appreciation of herself

What a lovely journey!

Eventually saying YES to myself!  I joined this wonderful course as I really wanted to connect to myself at a much deeper level and allow myself that time to work on different areas.

Honestly it has truly opened my eyes and highlighted that everything you really require is all inside of you, you just have to go within, do the work and keep practising.

The beauty of the course is that there are 12 different areas that Kerry focuses on throughout the 12 weeks so there is a lot of “yummy” stuff as Kerry would say!

I feel I have grown a lot over the past 12 weeks.  My sense of awareness has been massively heightened and this really serves me.  I know when to take a step back, slow down and listen to what my mind and body wants.  Another thing which has been massive for me is that I have allowed myself to be vulnerable, to be seen and be me.

I have learnt that the reason I originally craved that external validation was because I was not giving myself the love first and even though this is a work in progress, I now have the tools and methods in place.

There were things that showed up throughout that were uncomfortable, however you know what that’s also amazing at the same time because it highlights that you are a human and we all have parts that require more work than others.  At the same time, I am learning to love all of me.  

Kerry is a beautiful person and I felt a great connection with her from the start.  It is clear she has a deep passion and love for what she does and she is with you every step of the way.  The support you get throughout this course is amazing.

I feel like I have stepped into my power and I have a new found love and appreciation for myself.  I do feel awakened, I feel new doors are opening for me and its exciting!

I am so very grateful to have Kerry in my life and I have formed amazing friendships for life with her and the other Goddess on the course.

You owe it to yourself to say yes to yourself!

Big love ❤ ❤ 

Jennifer used to be so shy and never put herself first

She has now gained more confidence in being open and honest with how she is really feeling and is totally in her goddess power

As its the last day of this decade i have been reflecting on my year. The last quarter I spent an amazing time with some lovely women on the Goddess journey. What did it do for me well as a completely shy person I was scared of what it was going to ask me to do, my fears were unfounded the journey is very gentle and actually requires only short amounts of time each morning and I suspect as the new year dawn's we can all do with changing up our morning routine!

The worksheets can be completed at your leisure. I found my time was on a Monday morning worked well for me! And it really did set me up for the rest I'd the week. Kerry works with you in a very gentle and caring way, you are in safe hands every step of the way.

So what did I gain, well I gained the perspective that I am always able to be in my goddess power whenever I want. It does feel different, I am actually more confident in being open and honest with how I am feeling and noting that it is ok to just be but then I am able to use the techniques learnt, when I am ready to give what comes up a kick into touch.

If you are wanting a completely new perspective for the new decade then this course works with exactly what you need right now. Don't delay the time is now!

Carly embarked on The Goddess Awakening Journey and learned so much about herself and the relationships she had in her life.

She wanted to devote time to her healing journey and find more time for self love and to get her fun and sassy  side back 

Carly embraced the journey and what life had in store  and felt truly transformed at the end and knows it really was just the beginning 
Nicola is a fabulous vegan chef and had so much she wanted to share with the world but had so much fear around recording videos of herself, her voice, how she looked, anything that stopped her from actually taking action.

In the session, we cleared all of this and by the afternoon, she has recorded her first video sharing a recipe and was posted on social media for the world to see

So proud of you Nicola and have loved seeing you step in your power and sharing your talents with us all and the response has been AMAZING!

Eraine struggled to feel emotions and to love herself unconditionally.  She knew it was the missing link in her life that was stopping her moving forward.

Eraine has now really embraced who she is, has learnt to love all of her and the art of receiving love and had a positive impact across all areas of her life.

"The tantric experience was magical and moving"

I have been on a self / personal development journey for the past 9 years. Well that is my conscious knowing of that journey. I realize now that all things I have experienced have led me to this point.

This for me is year of completion and letting go of ‘the old’ and things that no longer serve the person I am becoming and my purpose here in this life.

Having said all that lays the foundation for WHY I sought out Kerry for the Tantric work she does.

I met Kerry at another Personal and Spiritual development training that we were both doing over a year long period. I watched Kerry do the work on herself, open herself to discovery, healing and knowing herself from the inside out.

So when it became clear that I needed to step into a deeper, more powerfully feminine connection with myself I knew that Kerry was the person I trusted most to take me on a tantric Shakti Experience.

From the moment I started asking her questions about what a tantric experience was, she was understanding, professional and kind. She was clear on what to expect and also empathetic and curious about the journey I was taking. More than just asking pre-session questions, Kerry delved into how and why I had chosen Tantra to further the knowing of myself and my ability to connect to others.

The Tantric Shakti Experience with Kerry was magical and moving.

She created a safe and heart warmed space, which alleviated any concerns or reservations I had. I felt welcomed, I felt honoured, I felt loved throughout the experience. More than just in that space at that time, it was like a gift I received that has stayed with me since. It has opened me to possibilities, to love, to receiving, to allowing myself to soften and be loved.

I am a kinaesthetic person and I learn be doing and feeling. Where years of talk therapies and other spiritual modalities had only hinted at solutions and in some ways offered lip service to the spiritual connection between my body, mind, heart and sexuality – the tantra experience took me to that place of connection and experiencing a spiritual depth to the physical like never before.

Having this experience with someone trained and compassionate enough to guide, to listen, to appreciate, to respect, to see and hear me as I am was powerful beyond measure.

As I write this it makes me emotional, appreciative and joyful all at the same time.

In Suki's VIP day, we worked on all areas of her life and cleared resistance, some that had been there for years that she wasn't even aware of.

Suki is now  euphoric and so happy after letting go of all the old patterns that were holding her back

So excited for what is next for you with this new found freedom Suki x
Thank you Kerry for the most amazing Tantra Experience. I was so excited before I went and knew it was what my body needed, but I was also anxious for what lay ahead – the unknown part of it. The ‘If I like it, will it mean I’m a lesbian’ part of it. And for those of you also thinking this – no, it will not change who you are as a person, or how you think about your sexuality, but it will open you up to the love and purity of yourself. 

It is so hard to describe and explain but it is not a ‘sexual’ experience in the way we think of sex; it is just an intense, life changing, personal and transformative experience, which allows the body to open up in ways it has not opened before and to re-align with the pure energy of self. 

Kerry is so warm, understanding, supportive and empowering and you feel safe and relaxed from the minute you arrive until the minute you leave. Of which, may I add, you leave feeling totally zen, calm, peaceful and relaxed. The whole experience, and it really is an experience, is heart-felt, purposeful and enjoyable. I don’t think future massages will ever compare now as I have experienced the whole body energy shift and a relaxing massage won’t be enough for me! 

For quite a while now, I have been on an energetic journey but during my session with Kerry, it was the first time I really felt myself as an energetic being rather than a body with energy. I cannot explain how my whole body tingled, pulsed and moved with the energy. I literally felt the energy shift and past traumas release; almost seeing, or sensing, them leave my body. It is really quite an experience. And now, a week after, I feel lighter, more aware and excited for what comes next. Thank you Kerry for this life-changing experience, wow, just wow!


 Chris and Ruth found that their familiarity has affected their intimate relationship

After the 8 week programme, they are more intimate, have a deeper connection and are now laughing more...Yay!

What can I say about the intimacy and connection course. Really good fun, brilliant exercises, lots of laughs, lots of intimacy and a great all round toolkit for getting to know your SO (in this case my wife) all over again.
There is a small ramp up time and each exercise stretches your comfort zone in a different direction each time. I'd recommend the course to anyone in a relationship looking for something deeper  

Chris Bradshaw

I worked with Holistic Kerry, on her 8 week intimacy and connection course, this included energy work, practical tips and an introduction to tantra with my husband.
I have never been in a relationship this long before and am married, I wish for our marriage to be long and happy as does my husband but life and familiarity have impacted our intimacy.
Kerry has been INCREDIBLE! She made intimacy a subject we embrace, she made it simple and easy to digest, giving us simple techniques to apply, she provided gentle support and also called us out when we we needed it, in a loving way. She gave us exercises to do at home, in the privacy of our own space and videos with exercises and techniques in to apply.
Hubby and I are looking forward to going through the 8 weeks again now we have got out heads around how it works and what is involved. We are definitely more intimate and have a deeper connection because of it and we really laugh a LOT more than in recent times, thanks to the most wonderful Kerry! xxx

Ruth Bradshaw

WOW WOW WOW....Yesterday I attended a VIP day with Kerry where I learnt about EAM Energy Alignment Method. Kerry is a very friendly, warm person which instantly put me at ease. As a counsellor who specialises in working with client's who have suffered trauma, negative self concept and wounded inner child it is incredibly important that I have an effective way in which I can protect myself from picking up my clients negative energy.

I was completely blown away with how instantly effective this method is. It works on the energy levels of your sub conscious mind of which are fuelled by our own negative beliefs of our self that can go back generations. Once we had finished I was amazed at how free I felt, I literally felt this negative energy lift from my body it was the most surreal experience of my life. I now feel I have my own coat of armour that I can use before and after my clients to ensure I protect myself to enable me to work in the best possible way for them. To sum up my day in.one word......AMAZING, LIFE CHANGING, TRANSFORMATIONAL.


Kerry is an incredible woman. A few weeks ago I visited her for a tantric experience which was heart opening and mind blowing. I felt so held, supported and accepted by Kerry. On the day I felt amazing but it’s only now that I’m seeing the ripple affect manifesting. I am so much happier with myself and my body. I feel grounded present and unshakable everyday and this has had a great impact on my relationship and s*x life.

Thank you Kerry. Thank you for your wonderful work and being a beautiful person

Much love 💕


I just wanted to say thank you for introducing me to Tantra. I can so relate to your blog about self pleasure that was so me for many years but you helped me change that last year after my Yoni massage ...I feel so much more connected to my body and in love with myself for the first time ever. I am taking so much more care of all aspects of loving myself through eating well, exercise, time for me but also knowing that it is ok for me to love myself which ever way I desire and now regularly start my day in front of the mirror naked admiring myself and living what I see....This growing up was an absolute no no which fuelled feelings f9r many years of guilt, shame, disgust. Thankfully that has all gone thanks to you  

I just want to say thank you for introducing me to Tantra. After reading your blog on self-pleasure it really resonated with me but you helped me change that after my Yoni massage. I feel so much more connected to my body and in love with myself for the first time ever. 

My Tantra experience helped me to connect to my true authentic self for the first time. I can remember being around 11/12 yrs old when I started to recognise my body was changing, I can remember how I got pleasure from intimately touching myself. One day I was caught and I never lived it down. I was subjected to a huge amount of shame at that time and even later on when I started my periods. Puberty and Sex was a taboo subject in our house. This left me with a huge amount of guilt and disgust for myself for many many years.

Thankfully I have a loving husband who embraces all of me but I could never do that for myself. After meeting Kerry, I immediately felt comfortable in her presence. Kerry provided me with a safe and trustworthy space where I felt accepted without any judgement. This enabled me to really embrace my Tantra experience and Yoni Massage and I never once felt like I was doing anything wrong, I felt free to truly be myself and it was so liberating. When I got emotional Kerry held that space which allowed me the time for myself to really let go of all the negative energy I had been carrying in my Yoni for many years.

Since that time I embrace all aspects of loving, taking care of myself so much more. I no longer feel guilt or shame for loving myself through self-pleasure and listening to my own desires of which I denied myself for many years as I was lead to believe it was wrong.

I can now stand in front of the mirror naked and admire my own reflection and loving what I see, Thank you  

Wow what an experience! It was just what I needed, when I needed it.

I wasn't sure exactly what to expect but Kerry explained clearly and made me feel very comfortable in a short space of time and throughout, always checking what I was comfortable with.

The massage itself was beautiful and allowed me a much needed emotional release. I continued to cry after the massaged had finished but I didn't feel any pressure to leave, Kerry gave me a safe space to express my emotions.

In the days that followed I felt lighter, more energised and had so much clarity.

I would 100% recommend visiting Kerry for a Tantric Massage, the benefits are amazing and plentiful.  

I have been fortunate enough to have had 2 EAM sessions with Kerry and I can honestly say that they have had a profound and very positive impact on my life.

I went into the first one not knowing what to expect or where to start. Kerry was brilliant at helping me to work through the jumble in my head and focus on what I really need help with. We then used EAM to drill down further and release long-held negativity around some family issues, life and career choices. As I released the negative energy I genuinely felt lighter, as though a fog of anger, frustration and indecision had been lifted. I felt exhausted after each session as they were both very emotional, but Kerry followed up, focusing on the outcomes and giving homework which has helped me form a habit of using EAM when I feel overwhelmed or indecisive. Since learning to use EAM I feel so much stronger, I trust my gut instinct more, I feel positive about my career choices and am definitely happier in myself. I want to thank Kerry for her time and enthusiasm, the sessions were challenging for me, I found myself opening up about some very personal issues, but she was so professional and treated this with respect and understanding for which I am very grateful. Thank you Kerry.

I had 3 EAM sessions with the lovely Kerry and to be honest was blown away by the whole experience. It was all totally new to me and felt the time was right for me to go out of my comfort zone and try something different although I was very skeptical. During the first session in particular I was amazed to learn about the sway. I enjoyed each session exploring what was on my mind and using the methods to release the negativity I was holding. During my last session it brought out something I’d not spoken about in over 25 years but the emotion it brought out of me shocked me but I was left feeling warm inside. I would wholeheartedly recommend anyone to try EAM and Kerry was the most amazing mentor to guide me through my initial sessions.


Errol and I had a VIP day and it was such a great day of releasing and letting go of old patterns.

We looked at all areas including his patterns with money, self love and self esteem but he also had resistance around being seen in the world and just doing this video would have been a huge step for him.  

You are such a natural Errol and so lovely to see you shining your light in the world now and truly being seen.
Thank you so much for inviting us to your program. I know a lot of people hate people sliding into their emails and DM's however, I am forever grateful for doing so. Without that message, I would have never signed up for your program.

And wow! What a program it is.

I will be honest, we are due to finish it as we have repeated exercises over and over again. We love the shakti exercise the best. And while we love that the best, we are due to finish the whole program and repeat the whole process.

In regards to hubby? Yes, he was sceptical... but knew it was something I wanted to do. And now he's been actioning the exercises with me... now he is MORE than happy to go through them again.

The program is very easy to digest and takes you to a deeper level of intimacy together. I actually found myself feeling a lot sexier through the exercises too.
Thank you beautiful. Without this, we'd have plodded along in married life without experiencing what could enhance it.

Whoever is sitting on the fence about purchasing Kerry's program... get off and click buy now. It is worth every penny.

Kerry's energy and love shines through in what she teaches and what she teaches is transformational. 

Trina & Jonathan
Kerry and I met at the first Tantra workshop I attended. I was incredibly nervous as I was at the beginning of my sexual exploration journey having suffered from sexual abuse as a teenager. It seemed that Kerry instinctively sensed my fears and helped put me at ease by sharing her story, background and insights.
I then booked for a Tantra massage which was so much more than a massage. It is more of therapeutic physical energy release as past emotional trauma that is being held by the body is healed. Kerry has taught me that my feminine sexuality is something to be celebrated and not ashamed of and I will always be grateful that she came into my life. Thank you Kerry x

Thank you so much for everything in the Conscious Couples course. Before we started I felt there was a disconnection between Paul and me, we had got into a rut of holding all our worries into ourselves and not really communicating with each other as we used to. 

I knew we still loved each other very much but intimacy was zero with each other both emotionally and physically. I started the program with excitement but apprehension - I didn't know what to expect, to be honest. I was scared it would make me do things I was uncomfortable with, and I was worried Paul would phooey it out of context. 

I couldn't have been more wrong. 

Everything is an invitation to do and it starts with communicating - something we had let slide and the practices was really lovely to do. Sometimes spending a couple of hours over without realising where the time went. 

The zoom calls are brilliant, Kerry is so lovely and nurturing, there is nothing sleazy at all about them. It would have been easy for us to do the catch-ups rather than attend live but to participate in real-time is far more beneficial and we got so much from them. I wish there were more. 

There are a lot of practices to do and many of them we haven't done yet but I know we will continue with them so we can grow our love to a deeper level. We both feel so much more connected with each other, we communicate much more, embrace more, and are generally much more affectionate. We will continue with this amazing journey.

Claire, UK
Kerry first introduced me to her world of embodiment 4 years ago, I wasn’t ready to embrace what needed to be healed until much more recently. 

Kerry held space for me to let go, to surrender to a very deeply transformational and healing experience, to guide me through the most magical and private tantric massage, she took her time, followed my lead on the pace and guided me through the entire process, step by step in a beautiful and engaging way. Pre, during and post session Kerry stayed in communication with me, guiding and reassuring me through everything that came up. She facilitated the session with beautiful extras such as warm towels, cosy room, beautiful oils spritzers, a wonderful playlist, nutritious foods and nourishing feminine energy and a beautiful gift to take home. 

I was totally able to surrender and relax into the session. Since the session I have changed a lot of factors in my life, the main one being my crazy schedule, and a chronic need to always be on and doing something. Despite working on this from many different angles over the years it has been the hardest habit to overcome. Deep rooted programming trapped in my body shifted during our embodiment session, and a level of permission “to be” set in instead. This is MASSIVE for me, being a fiercely independent woman all of my life, having deep seated trauma that formed those very survival habits meant it is taking some adjusting, as my body finally starts to slow down, allowing flow to come through me and guide my days and weeks. 

Kerry is a truly incredible therapist, mentor and Goddess, I have such a deep respect for her work and know she is one of the worlds truly special humans. 

Thank you from the whole of my heart Kerry xx

Ruth, UK
Kerry is an authentic person with a passion for helping people. Her fun and amiable character will put you at ease straight away. I loved working with Kerry and her unique offering. Her mission is purposeful and will bring light into your life

Lisa, UK
 I chose to work with Kerry to help me connect more deeply with my husband primarily as I knew I had some blockages around intimacy. I felt a distance that I didn’t want there and I kept putting off getting support as I wasn’t sure who could help me. It was a leap of faith as I didn’t know what to expect. I put my trust in Kerry and she didn’t disappoint. I really enjoyed our sessions, she created a space to explore topics that feel taboo knowing it would be without judgment. The approaches I learned still help me in lots of areas of life today - she’s not all about the sex! She’s about love and connection above all else. 

Katie, UK
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