Love, Intimacy & Connection 5 Day Journey - Sign Up Page

         5 Days to more Love, Intimacy & Connection 

Day One - What do I mean by Love, Intimacy & Connection?

Today we explore what I mean by love, intimacy and connection and why it’s so important in your life

Today’s reflection is this:

On a scale of 1-10

How does love, intimacy and connection feature in your life?

How important is love for you in your life?

How connected are you with your loved ones?

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Day Two – Connecting to you

Today we explore deepening the connection to yourself – so what does that actually mean?

This is all about awareness – listening to your thoughts and having time to really understand how you are thinking and feeling

Today I would like you to take 2 minutes twice, so maybe the morning and afternoon or evening and 

Make note of what comes up, what thoughts do you hear?

How have you connected to YOU? And what one thing can you do today that may be different to what your normally do?

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Day Three – Giving Love

Giving Love can sometimes be a default for many and something that can seem easier then receiving…

When we give love, do we give fully from our heart and is it from a place of LOVE…

Today we reflect on how we give love and are we giving from a place of love with everyone in our lives

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Day Four - Receiving Love

#dayfour – Receiving Love

Receiving Love can be quite tough for you especially if you have always been a giver…but why is that?

Sometimes we have feelings come up that we are not worthy of Love, or don’t deserve it and these feelings can mean we put up barriers around us to fully receive

Receiving love fully makes us feel fulfilled and connected and today I will explain why this is and invite you to practice expanding your heart to receive more love into your life today

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Day Five – Reflection & Celebration

Yay we have reached Day 5 of our beautiful journey together and it has been wonderful

Today we celebrate..

What has been your biggest learnings over the last few days and I would love to know the answer to the following, has it improved over the week?

On a scale of 1-10

How important is love for you in your life?

How connected are you with your loved ones?

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Would love to hear from you, why don’t you share your experiences in the facebook group with others that have taken part

Want to stay in touch when other journey’s are announced – like my page here

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